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My world has been a bit out of balance the last several weeks. Word of my mother's impending health decline motivated me to travel to spend time with her. I had been with her seven months ago and found that she was not functioning abundantly and grew concerned about the additional help needed in the future. I realize that the future is now. She is eighty-two years old, and her body is wearing out, making breathing, mobilization, and self-care nearly impossible.

I find my attention and intentions altered from building a business to managing the "sandwich generation." My wife and I remain active parents for our adult children and "parenting" our parents as they continue to evolve into senior adulthood. I am as passionate about working with men as ever, yet "blood runs deeper than water." Nature pulls me back to my early attachments, no matter how avoidant or resistant they may have been. My intuition leads me to believe that love and compassion are more powerful than pain or bitterness. It takes a great deal of energy to hold on to a grudge, resentment, or hatred.

To the men, I work with and those trying to find me, I want to let you know that I am still here for you. My journey is taking me on a challenging growth tour that teaches me more about the value of life and relationships. I will share what I learn with an open and compassionate heart. I ask for your thoughts, prayers, and positive energy. I will never give up on you because you are worth it!

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